Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Review : Transformers Prime - Arms Micron War Breakdown

I know I've said my farewells to Transformers before but there is always something about them that draws me back but fortunately each time I'm drawn back, I'm getting less and less enthusiastic about them. The cartoon series Transformers Prime is what pulled me back with it's delicious graphics, character + vehicle designs, and reinterpretations of our favourite G1 characters.

I've actually been pacing back and forth deciding whether to buy this particular guy and after much thought and research online, I've decided to get him :) Here's my product review of Transformers Prime - Arms Micron War Breakdown. What made it so though to decide is because this figure can only be found in the japanese Arms Micron line and not Hasbro which makes it hard to come by.

Vehicle mode review :

Breakdown from the front. Looks great as all the parts were able to snap into place properly without leaving behind huge gaps between pieces.

Left and Right angle shots of Breakdown from above. You can tell from these pics that he's 99% seemless. Also, the pics can tell what to expect from a perfectly transformed Breakdown.

Side view of Breakdown.

Rear angle view with spare tyre on the back. Please note that the spare tyre can't be taken off.

View from above. You can see the peg hole on the rooftop and bonet for his weapon.

I did this on purpose to show you Breakdown that wasn't properly transformed. I've encountered this problem the first time I've tried transforming him into vehicle mode. It was so hard and frustrating trying to get the back hatch to close properly without making the side panels pop-out.

The trick is to put emphasis on these areas circled in red and focus on getting them into their respective slots / holes. Once you achieve that, everything else falls into place :)

Peekaboo ! Breakdown's head peeping from behind his arms and legs.

Low to the ground front shot of Breakdown to show how much of his robot parts can be seen in vehicle mode.

Low to the ground side shot of Breakdown. That ball thing above his front wheel is actually his arm ball-joint. Unsightly unless you can convince yourself that it is some high tech version of suspension :P

Robot mode review :

Breakdown in robot mode looking superb.

Angle shot in robot mode.

Rear angle shot of robot mode.The kibble at the back of his legs can't be help. It's the same problem as Ratchet from the Arms Micron / Hasbro line.

Direct rear shot of Breakdown. The upper body looks cool with all the tyres :)

From above.

Articulation demonstration begins now :) Breakdown trying to do splits and spread his arms. What you can see is his limit.

Breakdown doing the tightrope. That's the furthest I can invert his feet.

Arm articulation. Not quite 45 degrees because some parts prevent him from achieving a full 45 degree bend.

Breakdown trying to touch his toes.

Breakdown trying to arch his back. This shot makes him look like a train wreck :P

Zoomed shot of the legs. They're covered all around. Not like those hollow rubbish you get with Fall of Cybertron figures.

Trying to bend the knee. Like the arm, not quite 45 degrees but almost.

Foot can go all the way in like a ballerina :)

Foot all the way out for defensive pose.

Breakdown in defensive pose standing his ground :)

Who goes there !? Airachnid !? Arghhh !!!

Head / face shot of Breakdown. I love the way they've done his head and face. Exactly like in the tv show :)