Friday, May 18, 2012

Farewell Lego... May you make someone else happy :)

A few months ago I bought a few Lego sets because I felt the need to build something with my hands. Naturally, Lego's one of the first things to cross my mind so I decided to have a go again with a Hero Factory set, a Lego Creator, and Lego Technic set. Compared to my childhood days, the feeling of joy that I get from completing a model didn't last very long and the process of building a particular model didn't give me that amazed feeling. These days, Lego are trying to cut down on the number of bricks that they put into a set. Therefore, during the building process one would get the feeling that Lego has been busy taking shortcuts to keep costs down which is very disappointing to me. I actually did give up on Lego last year but decided to give it another chance this year. In the end, I felt that these Lego sets would bring joy to someone else and donated them to a local charity shop. These days I would stick to buying Lego Duplo because it's much more fun to build stuff with my daughter. Everyday is always something new when it comes to Duplo and my daughter :) Below are the sets that I had donated to charity :